Written By: Dr. Jay Bergerhouse, D.C.

Intro: “Welcome to the Design to Thrive Podcast, where we discuss how to stay healthy mind, body, and spirit, so you could stop surviving and start thriving, no matter what’s going on. Here’s your host, Dr. Jay.
Dr. Jay: Good morning, good morning, Dr. Jay here with another inspiring message of health. And I just wanted to say, what’s up to Facebook world, say what’s up to all my friends on here, and just wait for some people to join me here. It’s a beautiful day out in California. Beautiful weather. It’s nice outside. The sun’s shining. The sky is just clear blue. Not seeing any chemtrails in the sky, which is nice for once. Although I really haven’t seen a lot this year. But got a powerful… got a powerful message for you guys. Look how nice it is back here. Just a really, really nice walk through the neighborhood. This is like my favorite spot. Good morning, good morning. How are you today?
So, the message today is, you know, God is doing something great. on this planet. He’s doing something great for our wonderful country and all the other countries out there. He’s bringing… he’s bringing truth to the surface. A lot more people are waking up to the truth. And despite all the despair and dystopian reality our powers that be are creating, there’s still a lot of hope. And, you know, God is doing something wonderful.
And I listened to a pastor earlier this morning, and he said some really cool things. He said that, you know, to pay attention to God and, you know, keep your gaze upon God, because he’s doing some wonderful things. And, you know, the problem is there’s so much distraction with all the chaos going on, that we lose sight of all the good things that are happening. And the pastor said some really cool things. He said, marriages will be restored, debts will be abolished, debts will be gone. He said healing will come to this land. And I thought that was pretty cool. Because, you know, there’s a lot of terrible things going on. But God is going to bring us out of all this. You just have to have… you just have to have that strong sense of faith.
And right now, people’s… people are giving up. You know, people have lost their faith in God, and they’ve lost their faith in humanity. But you have to understand, that’s all coming from the left. That’s all coming from the media. That’s all coming from all forms of media. And that has been such a powerful tool used by the devil. That’s been such a powerful tool used by Satan. So, the problem is, we’ve been so focused on the media and everything that the media is trying to distract us with. And the propaganda that they’re… they’re issuing out. And they are trying to create this theme, if you will, that… that we’re all divided. But I think… I think we’re actually… we’re not so divided. You know, we’re really not so divided.
See, the media has become a psychological tool used by the devil for warfare. You know, the media is trying to keep us separate. And really, I don’t think there’s such a dichotomy as the media is trying to… to create. So, we just have to cancel the media out of our lives. You know, with all this canceled culture, why don’t we just cancel our cable? Why don’t we just cancel our digital cable networks with 1000s of channels on them? Because God is telling us right now in the midst of all this chaos, what does the Bible say? It says focus on God and He will give you peace beyond worldly understanding. And that’s because God has got this whole thing figured out. God is the ultimate chiropractor. God has got his hands on your back. And believe it or not, with faith, God is guiding you through all this chaos. And he’s guiding us as Christians. And even if it gets worse before it gets better, we still have to rest our gaze upon the Lord, our Lord and Savior. We still have to rest upon… rest our gaze upon the truth, and quit being distracted by all the lies and the manipulation.
The media has been used for psychological warfare. The media, we know this. We know about Operation Mockingbird, and the CIA. But really, all it comes down to is it’s the devil. It’s the devil who’s creating this division. It’s the devil who wants to create the illusion that there is this huge division going on, especially in America. Because this is how communism works. They create the division, they create the chaos, and then they want to bring… they want to bring in the answer, right? Problem, reaction, solution. So, the answer, right, is order out of chaos. But they’re the ones creating the chaos. And they’re the ones that are creating all this division.
But that’s what we see on our screens. That’s what we see on our social media channels. That’s what we see on the TV. And that’s why me and my wife don’t have cable. We don’t watch the news. I don’t subscribe to it. You know, I could care less what the government does anymore. I could care less what CNN wants to tell me about… about their version of reality. I want to hold on to my own version of reality, and that reality says that mankind is generally good, God has got our back, and he brings us peace beyond worldly understanding.
And what does it say in James? It says faith without works is dead. So, if you have a strong faith in God, then why are we so riddled with anxiety and discourse in our lives? Why are we letting everything that’s going on in the world disrupt our inner peace? I talked about this yesterday in my Live. But there’s a book written by Viktor Frankl called the Man’s Search for Meaning. And he was… he was a prisoner in Auschwitz, arguably one of the worst concentration camps in Nazi Germany. And he chose to find… find the beauty in everything. Essentially, he was finding God in all things, even a bowl of fish head soup. He even found the beauty in the guards and was able to love his fellow man despite the evils. And isn’t that what Jesus tells us to do?
Another message I heard, a very humbling message was that we should pray for our enemies, and we should be the light in the darkness. And, you know, I’ve put out a lot of vitriol myself. And I’ve had to come to terms with the own vitriol, my own vitriol that I’m spewing out, and how my tongue has, you know, essentially steered the ship, steered my vessel steered me in the wrong direction, how simply putting the words out there has caused me great discourse, mentally, physically, and spiritually. And the thing of it is, you could be right, but you could be right in a very wrong way. If you’re preaching the truth without love, then you’re nothing but a noisy gong. You’re… you’re… you’re annoying drums, and people aren’t going to hear that. And all it does is create more division.
So, the Bible teaches us we should preach truth, we should speak truth. But bottom line is, we should have a strong sense of love. We should love our neighbors, as ourselves. And we should pray for our enemies. We should pray for our enemies that they would have an unhardening of their hearts, that the scales would be removed from their eyes, that they would have… they would make a complete 1800 shift in their lives, that they would repent of their sins and love their fellow mankind. That’s what we should be praying for.
And I know it’s hard. I know it’s hard, but that was a… that was a message that hit me so strong. And I’m like, “Yeah, I’ve been hating my enemies. I haven’t even been praying my…” because what is the enemy…? What do they not do? The enemy doesn’t pray for us. They don’t care about us. They consider us cattle. They consider us, you know, useful idiots to a certain degree they consider the world to be too overpopulated and they need population control and to limit population numbers. But we have to stop acting like our enemies because we become what we hate. And when you focus so much on what you hate and you don’t like, guess what? You end up becoming exactly what you don’t want to be. You become exactly the thing in which you don’t want to see in the world.
Who was it? Gandhi? Gandhi said, “Be the change in which you wish to see in the world.” Doesn’t the Bible speak the same truth? If you want to bring Jesus into the world and you want the world to see Jesus and you want the world to see God’s laws and you want the world to see the 10 commandments, shouldn’t you go out and live by those truths? And what… what are the 2 tenets? 2 that… the number 1 and the number 2 tenets taught in the New Testament, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your soul and your mind.” And why is that? Because when you love God with your heart, your soul, and your mind, you live your life by objective truth. You don’t just consider… you don’t… you don’t think that truth is relative. You don’t… you don’t live by your own. Because man is fallible. We’ve seen that time and time again, throughout history. I mean, just World War 2 is like the perfect epitome of man living by his own rules and thinking that he knows better than God knows.
And then number 2 tenant is Love your neighbor as yourself. So, are you doing that on a regular basis? Or are you getting caught up in the distraction and hating on your fellow man? So, you really have to control your tongue because it is the rudder that steers the ship. You really have to control what you post on social media. You got to control your comments. And I know you read a comment and it just… it gets to… it gets underneath your skin. I get it. It pisses me off. It makes my heart race. I mean, I… I can literally feel myself wanting to punch a hole in the wall sometimes. And I get it, but that’s flesh, that’s your flesh. See, God calls us to a different standard. God calls us to live our lives by a different standard. We’re supposed to have self-control. And when you fear God, and when you love God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind, then you stop giving into your flesh, you repent of your sins, you make that 1800 turn.
Repentance calls us to make 1800 turn and to go the complete opposite direction of our sins. And it causes us not to just… we can’t just repent and then keep repeating the same old sin. But if you get into the word every day and you pray and you do the meditations, like I’ve been telling you to do every single morning, where you focus on God, then guess what? You’re going to have more control over your tongue, you’re going to have more control in your life, and you’re going to have more peace. Look, we can’t control what goes on in the external world. We can’t control the evil powers that be. We can only do what we can. Can you outmaneuver the devil? Can you outsmart the devil? No, he’s crafty. And people think that they’re outmaneuvering the devil, and they’re just falling right into his trap. And so, we have to disconnect ourselves from the distractions. We have to be the light in the world of darkness.
As it says in Ephesians, it says, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed to light becomes visible, and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” This is why it is said, “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine upon you.” So, we’re to have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness. So, that means we’re not supposed to come… become the darkness exposing the darkness, right? We’re not supposed to fall in that trap where we end up becoming exactly what we hate and dislike so much. But we’re supposed to expose the darkness. And we’re supposed to do that in love.
See, Jesus hated the sin, but he loved the sinner. Can we not hate the sin and pray for our enemies? I mean, we’re all capable of falling short of the glory of God. We fall short of the glory of God every single day. That’s why we’re redeemed by the blood… blood of Jesus on the cross. That’s why God sent His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God didn’t send His Son into the world to condemn the world, he sent his Son into the world to save the world. That’s how much God loves us.
So… so, when we’re… when we’re out there, when we’re… we’re speaking truth, when we’re… when we’re on our social media, and we’re exposing the darkness, we need to take that first step back and ask ourselves, “Am I exposing this from a place of love? Am I exposing this darkness from a place of love? Is this God’s will for me to do this?” I think we need to ask ourselves that, because oftentimes, I’ve exposed a lot of radical truth and have just gone off the rails on things, and I’m not sure if that’s pushed forward the kingdom of God.
See, at the end of the day, God has this all figured out. But see, we’re so… we’re not at peace right now, because we have so much anxiety because we’re trying to figure everything out. And I get it. I’ve been there. And, you know, in a sense, it’s a constant battle. Every day is something new. But I’ll tell you what, the times I’m most at peace is when I’m not caught up in the distractions of the world, I’m not caught up in the shock and awe of everything that’s going on with our government. It seems like every day, there’s like 5 new things that this government official said and what Congress did that just seems to be like, you just want to hit your head and you’re just like, “What is going on in the world?”
And it only makes sense when you think about it from a globalistic satanic perspective. It makes sense when you think about it from that agenda. But because we’re not globalist, because we care about mankind, because we love each other, we don’t think about it how they think about it. That’s why it doesn’t make any sense to us. That’s why you’re like, “There’s no logic in that.” And that’s why… that’s why things become so hypocritical, right? That’s why they can be so hypocritical, because they just live by a completely different… they don’t even have a set of standards that they live by. They’re just… their number 1 standard is order out of chaos. They want to create chaos. They want to create chaos in the mind, the body and the spirit. They don’t want us healthy. They want us confused. They want us at odds, and they want us divided. They want many different divisions. I mean, they want… they want you to pick your sides. They don’t want us to love each other.
And this is one of the reasons why they hate Jesus so much because Jesus called people to come together, you know? Jesus said, “Love your neighbor, as yourself.” And I think that’s why they hate Jesus so much and hate that message is because Christianity calls humanity to come together despite our differences, right? Jesus… Jesus hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes. But he didn’t… he didn’t just sit there and hang out with him all day. I mean, he was with him, you know, for… for a moment in time. And then he prayed for him and he loved the sinner, but hated the sin, and then he moved on to preach his message. So, I’m not saying we need to, you know, hang out with… with… with people that are not like minded, I’m just saying we need to preach the good word and… and then move on. We just… we’re just a bunch of seed planners. I mean, it’s not up to us to make that seed grow. It’s up to that person to opening up their heart. It’s up to God to remove the calluses, to remove the scales from their eyes.
So, you know, I mean, the world is dark, but there is a lot of light going on. And this sermon I heard this morning, this guy, he was saying, you know, marriages are going to be healed, debts will be forgiven, debts will be paid off, debts will be forgiven. You know, the chaos that’s… that’s going on in… in your life, family relationships will be restored. People will come to a place of forgiveness and it will be like a miracle. One day, you wake up and just everything is changed. And that’s because the kingdom of God will be here and there will be a heaven on earth. And God’s got it all figured out.
You know, I’ve been reading through Revelations and, you know, you get… you get to chapter 13 in Revelations and it… well, you read through like the 3 woes, and the 7 trumpets, and things get really bad before they get really, really good. And so, we just have to hold on to our faith, you know? And that means that you have faith in God, despite what’s going on in the external world. You’re not going to let the chaos and the disruption and the dystopian reality that they’re trying to create distract you from keeping your focus on God. And so, that’s why you should crack open your Bibles every day. Because the world is going to come at you. And we got to put on the spiritual armor of God to protect ourselves. And part of that is reading the scriptures every day. Part of that is being… being in prayer every day. We got to focus on God, and not all the distractions and not the media.
Because the media wants you focused on all the chaos. They want you to focus on all the chaos. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want you with hopelessness. That’s what they sell. They sell hopelessness. And then, you know, when… when you’re depressed, and you’re at odds ends, they want you on medications, which isn’t the answer. They want to do everything to distract you from God. They want to teach you that, you know, you’re… you’re just a speck in the universe, and that everything happened by chance, and that we’re lucky… we’re just lucky to be here. And… and I don’t believe that to be true. I think we were designed on pur… designed on purpose for an incredible purpose, and God brought everything into fruition.
How do you explain the fact that something this miraculous can come from an absolute nothing? There has to be something outside of time, space and matter that brought everything into fruition. And designed it so perfectly that our heart beats without us thinking about it, our lungs breathe without thinking about it, and our heart rate increases when it needs to, and our lungs, our respiratory rate goes up when it needs to, and our immune system fights off infections and cancers, every single day, our… our… all systems working together in harmonious balance so that we can move, so that we can live our lives. And man, everything works so perfectly. Our cells are like mini universes in and of themselves, and they all have their own organs. I mean, isn’t that amazing? And, you know, how intelligent plants are. You know, it’s… it’s the designer argument for everything. There’s a design and a congruency and an intelligence in every living thing on planet… on this planet. And I just don’t believe all of that happened by chance.
I believe that we were designed that we were created. I don’t see how anybody couldn’t believe in that. But there’s a hell of a lot of people that do believe that, you know, we just evolved from monkeys. And, you know, monkeys are still here, so I don’t get that argument. But anyway, I hope this message inspired you.
In a nutshell, what we need to do is, you know, stop distracting ourselves with all the media and all the chaos. Turn off your notifications. Live in peace. Focus on God. Crack open your scripture every single morning. Meditate. Pray. Pray for God’s protection over your life and your family’s life. And pray ultimately, that his will be done. God’s got it all figured out. And when you trust in that, it strengthens your face… faith. And that gives you a peace beyond worldly understanding. That gives you a peace beyond worldly understanding.
If God’s calling you to fight, then you go out and fight. But you do it from a place of love. You do it from a place of love. I think God is calling us to pray for our enemies that they have a change of heart, that they make 1800 change in their life, that they begin to focus on God themselves. You know, we’re… what we’re seeing is a godless society. And this is what happens when people don’t believe that there is a God, when people believe that God doesn’t exist, they start… start living by their own standards.
So, let us not become the world in the process. Let us not become like the world in the process of exposing the darkness. Let us become the light that exposes the darkness from a place of love. And ultimately, people have a great awakening to the truth, and God, an act of God brings us all together. But God isn’t going to bring us all together if we’re, you know, out, wandering aimlessly in the wilderness, not focused on him, and we’re so focused on everything that’s going on in the world. Look, the world’s going to happen. But what can we do in our own lives to honor God, despite what’s going on in the world? What is God’s will for our lives? And how can we listen to God if we’re so focused on the chaos 24/7.
I’m telling you, I have patients that come in, and I could see it in their faces, I could see it in their skin color, and it’s not good, it’s not healthy to be focused on that stuff 24/7. It literally is so bad, the energy of that negativity is so bad, it negatively impacts their physiology to the degree that you can see it, you can sense it. If there’s ever such a thing as an aura, right, you can sense it in their… their being. And they’re just spiritually downtrodden. And that’s because the mind and the body and the spirit are intimately connected with each other. That’s why the God… that’s why God calls us to honor our temples, because we have temples, these bodies that house the Holy Spirit. And when we honor our temples, we honor God. And we’ll have a higher sense of our spiritual selves. We’ll be able to connect with God on a much higher level because we’ll be able to hear him, right? And people are so unhealthy, mind and body, that they can’t even hear God anymore, because there’s so unhealthy.
So, get up every morning, read Scripture, pray, do your meditation, be the light in the sea of darkness, expose the truth, but do it from a place of love. Pray for protection, okay? I pray for protection over your lives. I pray for protection for all of our families. I pray for our mass awakening of humanity. And ultimately, I pray for the act of God. I pray for God’s will to bring us collectively together, that the darkness will be exposed and abolished off the face of the planet, and people will come to know the truth, and will have that strong sense of godly heavenly peace, despite what’s going on in the world.
And just so you guys know, exciting news, I started my own podcast now. It’s called Designed to Thrive. And I’ll be doing a podcast every week. I already released my first episode. I got some exciting interviews coming up with my fellow chiropractors. And we’re going to be talking about health, when it comes to mind, body and spirit, despite current events, despite what’s going on. And I’m always going to leave people with a strong sense of hope. Look, the world wants to make you hopeless. All I wanted to do with this podcast is preach the truth from a point of love, unwatered down, but also leave people with a strong sense of hope. You know, I think all… what we need to do is just sell hope-ium all day long, hope-ium, right?
So, I got a really, really cool interview coming up with… with a friend of mine, a colleague of mine. I actually went to school with her. She graduated a couple years after I did. And she’s… she’s been living and thriving with cancer. And I can’t wait to do this interview. It’s going to be super exciting. I can’t wait to release it to you guys. It’s going to be friggin awesome.
So, anyway, God bless you guys. And if you guys haven’t yet, get a copy of my book, right, get a copy of my book. It’s on Amazon, Designed to Thrive. Go to chapter 12, it’s all about peace management. It’s one of my favorite chapters to write in the book. And I go over some practical things that you can do to manage your peace. I also go over the mental aspects when it comes to peace, like talk about perception and, you know, your ability to control your reality through your thoughts.
So, anyway, yeah, get a copy and get a hardback copy. It’s really nice. It’s only 25 bucks on Amazon plus shipping. So, you’re probably looking at about 30 bucks. But the hardback version, you know, I like the hardbacks because the covers don’t bend, the pages are more protected. So, anyway, that’s on Amazon, again, that’s Designed to Thrive. And can’t release… wait to release my next podcast to you guys. But anyway, God bless. Have a wonderful day. And remember to keep your focus on God. Keep managing your peace. And remember that you were designed to thrive. God bless.
Outro: This episode of the design to thrive podcast was brought to you by our sponsor, Thrive Spine Center in Folsom, California. Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed today’s show, head over to thrivespinecenter.com to gain access to our free resources and to subscribe to our newsletter. Also, you can pick up a copy of Dr. Jay’s book, Designed to Thrive, on Amazon. Check it out and stay tuned for our next show.”