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Written By: Dr. Jason Bergerhouse, D.C.

The Power of the Mind (Part 1)

“Your mindset matters. It affects everything – from the business
and investment decisions you make, to the way you raise your
children, to your stress levels and overall well-being.” – Peter Diamandis

“For as he thinks in His Heart, so is He.” – Proverbs 23:7

Your mind is the most powerful tool when it comes to your health
and healing. So, it is essential to have the right beliefs and frame
of mind when it comes to your health and the decisions you
make regarding health care. As stated throughout the last two
chapters, we need to unlearn everything we once thought to be
true regarding our health, because, to be frank and in your face –

We need a complete reformation of our thoughts and ideas
surrounding health! And, if you, the reader, are super health
savvy, use this information as ammo to go out and preach the
“good word” to others. Maybe you’re like me and have people you
know that think everything the media tells them is the truth and
written in stone. Maybe, like me, you have friends and relatives
who “worship” at the altar of science.

But it’s not really science for that matter, is it? It’s more of a dogmatic belief system; a religion of sorts that puts more faith in a bottle full of pills and syringes full of God knows what than in our own God given healing power.

This form of dogmatic belief has become so common that it has
even been given its own name: Scientism. All the more reason to
know the TRUTH and spread it! May THE TRUTH become the infectous agent that spreads throughout the masses!

True science is always evolving and always questioning. It is
never settled; it never assumes. The matrix in which we live, the
medical complex, has become so corrupted and so full of lies that
it is ever more apparent among us who are “WOKE!” Woke is a
term coined for those who stand firm in the truth – unwavering.
Those who steadfastly speak the truth against any and all forms
of opposition, just as the bible tells us to speak light into a world
of darkness.

Ephesians (5:11-16) Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of
darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to menࢼ on
what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the
light becomes visible and everything that is illuminated becomes
a light. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.” Be incredibly careful, then, how
you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every
opportunity, because the days are evil

Throughout our lives we have been taught that getting sick has
to do with bad luck and bad genes. We have been taught that
there is no way to prevent disease unless it comes in a vaccine.
We have been taught that our genes determine our destiny. We
have been told we have faulty genetics and predispositions to
certain diseases based on our family history. Even famous movie
stars have been duped into this mode of thinking – going so far
as to have mastectomies done as a means of preventing breast
cancer. This information isn’t entirely untrue – but there is way
more to the story.

The full story, or what some may call the “real” story, began with
DNA and genes. Let me explain. A new science surrounding
genetics, called epigenetics, has emerged in the last few decades.
This is different from the science we were taught in school. In
school we learned that genes determined our health and the
quality of life we were going to have (genetics). Any abnormalities,
ranging from obesity to cancer and even depression, were thought
to be a result of bad genes.

DNA was discovered in 1944. It was one of the biggest discoveries
of the 20th century. But even more important was the 1953
discovery by James Watson and Francis Crick which revealed
that each strand of DNA contained a gene sequence. Genes are
code for something – usually a protein. The length and sequence
of a gene determines how large a protein is and what its shape will
be. This in turn affects how it will be used in the body. Different
proteins combine within the body to make hormones, structural
tissue, enzymes, etc. Essentially, “The genes are the blueprints for
each of the over 100,000 different kinds of proteins that are the
building blocks for making the human body.”

With the discovery of human DNA and genes, it was hypothesized
that our lives were controlled by our DNA. Since genes code for
proteins and protein represents our bodies, we must be controlled
by our DNA, right?! Therein lies the problem. This mode of thinking
led to the belief that our fates were entirely determined by the
genes passed down from our parents; that we are victims with
little to no control over our destinies. If you’re a pharmaceutical
company this mode of thinking is great because if all the genes in
the human body were patented, they could be used to make drug
products to alter a person’s genetic code. Got fat genes, let’s give
you a skinny gene drug; makes sense, right?!


Thanks to the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and
author of the book Biology of Belief, we now understand that it isn’t
DNA or our genetics that determines the fate of our cells, thus,
the outcome of our lives. It is the environment that surrounds
the cell that dictates what the DNA does. Let me explain this
further: the nucleus of the cell houses the DNA and has always
been considered the brain of the cell, but as it turns out it does
not run the show. The controlling structure in cellular biology and
gene expression is the cell membrane.

This membrane responds and adapts to the chemical makeup that surrounds it (the environment). If the cell is surrounded by a sick environment it leads to dis-ease, interference, and decreased health. Here is the cool thing! If the cell is surrounded by a healthy environment it

The New biology revealed that the brain of the cell is its skin, the
membrane, the interface of the interior of the cell and the everchanging world we live in. It is the functional element that controls
life. This is important because understanding its function reveals
that we are not victims of our genes. Through the action of the cell
membrane we can control our genes, our biology and our life and
we have been doing it all along although we have been laboring
under the belief that we are victims. I started to realize that the cell
was a chip and that the nucleus was a hard disc with programs. The
genes were programs. As I was typing this on my computer one day,
I realized that my computer was like a cell. It had programs built
into it but what was expressed by the computer was not determined
by the programs. It was determined by the information that I, as
the environment, was typing onto the keyboard. Suddenly all the
pieces fell into place: the cell membrane is actually an information processing computer chip.
– Dr. Bruce Lipton

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