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What Initially Inspired me to Become A Chiropractor

When I was 19 years old I was into weight lifting big time! So much so, that I ended up injuring my right shoulder while bench pressing too heavy. I ended up suffering with this really annoying right shoulder pain. I did what most people would do in that scenario, I went to the Doctors and all they did for me was prescribe me muscle relaxers and pain killers. I hated being on the medications because they didn’t do anything for my pain. All they did for me was give me a bunch of brain fog. Luckily, my girlfriend at the time was working for a Chiropractor and she convinced me to go in. I was skeptical but I went in anyways because I was completely desperate at that point.

“But within 2 weeks of corrective Chiropractic care the shoulder pain that I was having for 2 weeks was completely gone! I thought to myself,“Wow there is really something to this!”

So, I went in to see this Chiropractor who precedes to take an x-ray on my neck and he told me that the problem wasn’t in my shoulder and that it actually was in my neck. He continues and tells me that I had completely lost the curve in my neck, I had 35 mm of forward head posture, and that I had multiple misalignment’s at the base of my neck that were irritating the nerves going to my shoulder.

My first thought was “yeah right buddy.” But within 2 weeks of corrective Chiropractic care the shoulder pain that I was having for 2 weeks was completely gone! I thought to myself, “wow there is really something to this!” I also started to sleep better and I noticed that my energy was a lot better. I even noticed that I started thinking “clearer” thoughts. It was at this point that I started to contemplate actually becoming a Chiropractor.

I remember I would sit in his waiting room watching all these families walking in and out of his office with smiles on their faces after they received their Adjustments. One day I was sitting in his waiting room and was reading this wall of testimonials he had. There was one testimonial that caught my eye – it was a testimonial written by a mom about her son. At the bottom of the testimonial was the inhaler her son no longer had to use anymore because of the Chiropractic care he received. I decided right then and there that I was going to become a Chiropractor and the rest is history!

Chiropractic care works incredibly well. We have successfully helped many people with Chronic back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches, migraines and joint pain. We work on a wide variety of people – everybody from athletes, to weekend warriors, to people with different back grounds. Everybody heals differently but the majority of people heal! As a Chiropractor it’s such a cool thing to see!

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