Written By: Dr. Jason Bergerhouse, D.C.
In this podcast I dive into depth regarding the differences between the conscious and subconscious mind. I get into heavy detail regarding programming and how to reprogram your brain in effort to change your life.
“Welcome to the design to thrive podcast, where we discuss how to stay healthy mind, body, and spirit. So you can stop surviving, and start thriving no matter what’s going on. Here’s your host, Dr. J.
Dr. J: Good day, this is Dr. J of the design to thrive podcast. This is part two on a two-part series on the power of the mind, episode number eight. And if you remember in part one, we got into depth on as a man thinketh so is he.
Well, we are going to dive even deeper into that, going into the subconscious mind, how powerful it is. And why we need to rewire our brains if we want to create a greater lifestyle for ourselves.
So you literally create the reality in which you wish to see in your life, and the world in your head. It’s the six inches between the ears, your mind is the most powerful tool you have above anything else. Your arms don’t move, your legs don’t move unless tell them to move via your brain.
Your brain is so powerful. So we’re going to dive deep into that, but before I do, as always, let’s begin with some powerful scripture. This comes from Proverbs 15 verses 1 through 6: a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
The eyes of the Lord are everywhere keeping watch on the wicked and the good. The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit. A fool spurns a parent’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence. The house of the righteous contains great treasure, but the income of the wicked brings ruin.
The income of the wicked brings ruin, yes of course it does, because evilness resides within their hearts. All right, so let’s dive deep into this, what is the mind? Why is it so powerful? How does it have so much power in our lives, right? Well, the mind can be split into two categories or two parts, you have your conscious mind and you have your subconscious mind.
Now according to Dr. Bruce Lipton, who I talked about in the part 1 series. He’s a cellular biologist phenomenal cat wrote the book the biology of belief. He says that we use our conscious mind about 5% of the time. Meaning that 95% of our lives are controlled by our subconscious mind. Now the conscious mind resides within a region of your brain located behind your forehead called the prefrontal cortex.
This is where the conscious part of your mind sits, and it’s responsible for higher brain functions including things like creativity, complex decision making, goal setting, your actions, and your expectations based on those actions. Your social behaviors, and your personality expression.
It all sits in that prefrontal cortex region of your brain. Now your subconscious mind on the other hand is responsible for storing and retrieving data. Its job is to make sure you respond exactly the way you have been programmed to respond. Now that’s a keyword there, programmed, and we’re going to talk about television in just a minute, okay.
So think about it, from a young age, you and I have been programmed with a certain set of beliefs regarding reality. These beliefs have been programmed into us from our parents, television, media, our teachers, our authority figures. Any books we’ve read, life experiences, etc. Once those beliefs are instilled in us, okay, they’re like cemented in us, it’s very hard to change those beliefs.
It’s like a bad habit, how hard is it to change a bad habit? It’s really hard to change a bad habit. It takes diligent effort, consistent effort, constant effort to be able to rewire your brain to change those bad habits into good habits, okay. So most of our programming happens during the first seven years of our life because the brain is predominantly in a hypnotic-like state.
It’s a lower brainwave state called Theta. It functions from a more imaginative state of being, a subconscious state versus a conscious state for example. In this state, the brain downloads behavioral programs and beliefs that it observes in its environment, okay. So think about it, hypnotism works because your brain is in a lower brainwave state, therefore auto-suggestion or suggestion of thoughts can be implanted because your brain is more open to accepting those words, and that’s how hypnotism works over time.
And you literally begin to rewire the brain, because you put it into a hypnotic or a lower brainwave state, okay. So here’s the thing, so the first seven years of a kiddo’s life, right? Their primary modes of programming come through their parents, right? So their parents thoughts, their beliefs, and most importantly their behaviors.
So when I was a kid, I talked about this in part one, when I was a kid both my parents worked out, right? So I observed this as a kid. Now I didn’t consciously observe it, I observed it on a subconscious level. And when I was 16 or 17 years old, I started working out on a regular basis, on a weekly basis, now why is that?
Well, I’m sure it had a great deal to do with the fact that I grew up in an environment where both my parents cared about their health. Both my parents cared about being physically active and working out as a means to take care of their health. So that was all downloaded, right?
By me when I was a kid. And then it came out consciously later on in my life. Kids also get programmed from their media sources mainly YouTube cartoons, Netflix any of the cartoons you expose your kids to, you really need to pay attention to because they are downloading all those thoughts and beliefs, right? And also the schooling that kids are immersed in, public and private schooling, okay.
So as a child observes their parents behaviors, and learns their beliefs, they download these into their subconscious mind. So whatever media sources they watch from cartoons to Sesame Street becomes programming. And with public schooling, they learn the rules, they learn what is and what isn’t possible.
They learn about the state’s version of reality, and in my opinion, they learn how to become workers rather than creators, right? You get so much education it almost constipates the mind, and it can work to ruin a person’s imagination, a kid’s imagination, and their creativity. This has been talked about ad nauseum in research articles, right? Because schooling puts everybody into a box and expects everybody to learn the same way.
Well, we’re all unique, we’re all different and we all have different backgrounds. So the way one kid learns is going to be completely different from another kid, right? Not everybody is meant to be put into that box and learn exactly the same way, it makes sense, right? So this programming plays out throughout our lives and is involved in every behavior, decision, and action we make.
It’s important to note that we can break free of our programming, and rewire our brains and that is the key. We can create new habits and new thoughts, which lead to better decisions and actions, okay. So it’s hard to fathom that we’ve been so programmed to think a certain way. But our current lives are a reflection of everything we’ve ever experienced. Let me give you a perfect example of this, okay.
Regarding healthcare, we learn at a young age that we need to take medicine, right? We need to go get that bottle of pills when we’re sick because we need to suppress those symptoms because symptoms are bad, that’s what we’ve been indoctrinated to believe. We learned that medical doctors are the health authorities, and again we learned that genes control our destinies.
We talked a lot about that in part one, right? We know that most of the issues, health issues that people have, they lifestyle themselves into those health issues. Like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, things like that, they lifestyle themselves oftentimes into those diseases, okay.
So the problem is these programs become so hardwired into us, that when we do get sick and express symptoms, we have a very hard time trusting that our body has this incredible power to heal itself. Therefore, we seek out the doctor. We worry and we fret, and we take the drugs to suppress the symptoms.
On one hand, we may know that taking drugs is harmful to our health, but we conclude that it’s a necessary evil. I even have patience that are taking drugs and they’ve been taking the drugs for a long period of time, and deep down inside they know that these drugs are harmful for their health, but they take these drugs. Because they believe that without these drugs, they would kill over and die.
And see that’s the problem, so rather than thinking about cause and effect, rather than thinking about oh what caused these health issues, what do I need to change about my own life? They merely mask the symptoms with the drugs and can continue to live out those same negative lifestyle habits. So do you see what a mind it all is, do you see what a mind it all is? I mean it’s like on one hand, it’s like we know what we need to do to take care of ourselves. But we end up falling back into our programs, right? We end up falling into, falling back into everything that we were programmed into thinking when we were kids.
We end up defaulting back to that programming, our upbringing, our life experiences because everything was downloaded into us. And now, our behaviors as adults are a reflection of everything that we’ve ever experienced or learned, or we’re exposed to when we were in that hypnotic-like state when we were kids.

So let’s talk about television, right? Because the most of the programming happens through the media that we continually expose ourselves to. And if you don’t think you’re being programmed, okay. That’s when you need to think that you’re programmed, okay. You don’t think you’re programmed, but in reality, we all are programmed in some way, shape, or form.
Because we all function from a set of beliefs, okay. And where do those beliefs come from, okay? Where do we establish our beliefs, right? So it all comes from our upbringing. Most of it happens within that first seven years of life. So let’s talk about television, first of all, Tell-lie-vision, right? It’s all programming, right? It’s psychological manipulation, it’s psychological warfare.
It’s war on the minds of all Americans, okay. But if you split the word up, I mean the truth is in the word itself. Tell-lie-vision, okay? So there were two movies I watched and two perfect examples, right? One of them was World War Z, and the other one was I am Legend with Will Smith. Both of these movies ended with the answer to the zombie apocalypse as being a vaccine, right? So what’s the program there?
Well, big pharma is going to come save the day from the great pandemic, right? The other programming is humans are dirty, they carry viruses and they’re a bunch of zombies, okay. So there’s programming there, right? Another movie I watched, Bradley Cooper was the star in this movie, and he discovers a mysterious pharmaceutical drug which allows him to utilize all of his brain making him somewhat limitless, hence the title of the movie limitless.
Now, I love the movie, let’s be honest. I watch the movie, I’m like oh, that’s really cool because it was all about human potential. But here’s the thing, so he’s taking the drug and suddenly he could remember everything he ever learned in his life. He could even learn new things in an astonishing rate of speed. In the movie, he learns several languages, he learns how to play classical piano and he masters the stock market all within a matter of months, okay.
But his character takes a turn for the worse when he realizes that he has to continue taking the drug, otherwise he’s going to die. So the idea that we need a toxic drug to enhance ourselves implies that we as humans are flawed and limited. This is exactly how the pharmaceutical companies want their customers to be. Automatons, who aren’t consciously thinking layers deep, right?
They want people functioning from their programming, right? They want people living out the behaviors that they’ve been programmed to do, right? They want people locked into those behavioral programs, okay? I’ll be driving around, and I’ll look at all the cars lined up in the drive-through pharmacies, people refilling their prescriptions. And I just think to myself man, these people, I wonder if they were to change their lifestyles, and completely change their lives.
Their thoughts, their beliefs, their actions, their behaviors, and everything, and they took a vested interest in their own health. I wonder if they would even need those pharmaceutical drugs. I would venture to guess most of the time, no. As I’ve always said, look if you need to take the drugs, okay.
Take the drugs, but plan on only taking them for a temporal basis, and work diligently to get off those drugs as soon as possible by figuring out the cause and reversing ill lifestyle behaviors. Look, we all have areas in our life okay, take nutrition, for example, right? Very simply, all you need to do is stop eating the bad stuff and start eating more of the good stuff. And if you eat 90% good, our food by God and 10% is food by man, are the bad stuff so to speak, then you’re going to be way better off than the average American.
See, you have to start thinking beyond the average American, and you have to take appropriate action steps, okay. But I digress, okay, so there’s plenty of examples of television glorifying big pharma, and the medical industry, okay. There was geniuses, but I’ve never seen a show like that created for chiropractors or naturopaths or acupuncturists, I mean why not? Why don’t you ever see alternative or holistic better word, holistic doctors who don’t prescribe big pharmaceuticals, who don’t prescribe drugs and refer out for surgeries and things like that? I mean not all the time.
Why don’t you see a different perspective on health? Why don’t they create an equal show for chiropractors? Well, who funds, where do a lot of these television channels or main media sources, where do they get their funding from? Big pharma. I mean what was it, two years ago, collectively big pharma spent about 2.54 billion dollars on direct-to-consumer drug commercials.
By the way, we’re like one of two countries that has direct-to-consumer drug ads. You know these ads that pop up, ask your doctor if such and such is right for you. There’s even a show called the doctors, right? And one of my colleagues and friend Dell Bigtree, a major producer of the Emmy award-winning show quits after he realized how one-sided it was, okay. He was a major producer on the doctors, but he had to quit.
Because ethically, he realized that this show was completely one-sided, so he quit, right? Another example, when I was a kid I grew up watching David the gnome, many of you listening to this probably know exactly what I’m talking about. But he’s a little gnome that traveled around on a fox, which I always thought was really cool as a kid. But he traveled around on a fox and he healed the other animals using what? Drugs and medicine.
So I hope you could see, I mean because this is just all tip of the iceberg stuff. But I hope you can see just how ingrained these beliefs are within you. And how heavily they influence the decisions you make or have made in the past, in your life, okay.
It’s almost comical, it’s almost comical the level of indoctrination that occurs throughout our lives to make us believe certain things and make certain decisions. And how much it influences our behavior. And I like what Bruce Lipton said, he said we really are living in the matrix. In fact, the movie the matrix is not a fictional tale, it’s a documentary.
And I fully agree with that. So let me give you an example of programming, and how it affects us, okay. So many of you grew up believing in Santa Claus. If you had parents like mine, Santa would, you’d leave cookies and milk for Santa. And those cookies would be half-eaten the next day, and the glass of milk would be fully drank. And lo and behold, it’s your parents the whole time that are doing all of that.
But your environment influenced your belief in Santa Claus, right? So your parents influence that beliefs, all your relatives, right? Watching television, watching all the great Christmas movies, I mean who doesn’t like or love Christmas movies?
I mean they’re just feel-good movies, and they just remind you of, they just remind you of your childhood, and anything that takes you back to your childhood, for the most part, is very powerful because that was such a phenomenal time in your life.
So like music and movies and anything, I digress. So your environment influenced that belief, you go to the shopping malls and they would have it decked out and all the Christmas decorations, and then in the middle of the mall, Santa would be there and kids would be taking their pictures with Santa.
So needless to say, as a kid, you very strongly believed in Santa Claus, okay. So there was a time I remember I was driving, well I wasn’t driving at the time, but I was in the passenger seat. And I think my mom was driving or my dad or something like that. And we were on highway four, and we were going, we’re going from Antioch to I think Pittsburgh, okay.
So we’re on highway four, and I look over and I see this Lincoln town car next to us and Santa Claus is driving the Lincoln town car. But because I was so indoctrinated with the belief that Santa Claus really existed, I didn’t think oh, it’s odd that Santa’s driving a Lincoln town car, right? I thought to myself oh, he must be in town for a visit.
Maybe he has family here or something. I totally rationalized it in my brain, and I justified the fact that Santa was driving a Lincoln town car. Now I’m not a big fan of Lincoln town cars, but the fact that Santa was driving the Lincoln town car never really occurred to me as odd, because my beliefs were so ingrained.
And it’s a funny story I tell in my book, okay. So according to Dr. Dispenza, this is Dr. Joe Dispenza author of the book you are the placebo, and if you don’t have that book, you need to get it, it’s a powerful book, okay. So Dispenza says when you string a set of related beliefs together for long enough, they form your perception about your reality. Your perception about reality is essentially a sustained state of being, it’s a sustained state of being based on your beliefs. I’ll say that again. Your perceptions about reality is essentially a sustained state of being, based on your beliefs.
These beliefs again are heavily ingrained into your subconscious mind. Lastly, our beliefs get reconditioned indirectly and directly through the mechanism of stimulus and response. Think about Pavlov and the dogs, and how he got the dogs used to hearing the sound of a ringing bell, and then they would begin to salivate because that ringing bell was associated with dinner, okay.
So every time he would ring the bell, the dogs would salivate and they would get their food. And then all suddenly took the food away rang the bell and they would still salivate, even though there was no food there. So our beliefs get conditioned and re-conditioned continually through indirectly and directly in our environment.
Just like Santa Claus, our belief in Santa Claus got reinforced every year with the Christmas music, the shopping malls, the gifts, the presents, the cookies, the milk. The TV, the Christmas movies and all that, okay.
So here’s how we need to rewire our brains, okay. So people get trapped into patterns in their life, we all do this. I even still have patterns that I’ve been trapped into that need to shift, that need to change I know this about myself. And you have those same patterns as well. So you have to acknowledge those patterns in your life, okay. So this is why people end up in the same old relationships, the same old financial problems.
The reason why their cars continually break down, and then there’s a lot of positive things, right? So like successful people that are successful in finances and business and things like that, they have a particular way that they think, and they have a particular pattern, it’s a positive reinforcement pattern in their life, right? So there’s both good and negative outcomes that can happen from thought patterns.
It’s not all negative thought patterns, there are positive thought patterns as well. But the complainers will always find stuff to complain about, why is that? Well, it’s these thought patterns, right? So whatever the problems are, they are patterns that reflect a person’s core beliefs. We end up directly or indirectly creating our reality through thoughts alone. See, thoughts determine our actions and actions determine our outcomes, and our outcomes create our reality, common sense.
So we must break through these subconscious patterns if we’re ever going to thrive in our lives. In order to change our beliefs and rewire our brains, we must bring more consciousness into our lives. We need to become more aware of the thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions in our lives that we keep reconditioning on a subconscious level.
This means we need to take a proactive approach to our lives by interrupting those negative thought patterns. Tony Robbins calls this a pattern interrupt. Tony Robbins was a big NLP guy, near linguistic programming, and that’s a term that they use. You got to interrupt those thought patterns via a pattern interrupt.
So we need to adopt new and powerful thoughts beliefs and perceptions if we’re ever going to change our lives, okay. Now when I was 17, I hit rock bottom, okay. I hit a point where I desperately needed to change. As an addict, I realized I needed to change my environment if I was ever going to overcome my addiction. My addiction wasn’t really alcohol or smoking weed, my addiction was seeking approval from others.
Therefore, I engaged in unhealthy behaviors to blend in and gain approval from the people I was hanging out with. This was the initial motivator and pattern interrupt, I needed to begin to shift my thoughts and perceptions about my reality. So okay, I hit rock bottom, I had a huge pattern interrupt in my life, and I began to shift my thoughts and behaviors and because of that, I realized I couldn’t hang out with the same people I was hanging out with.
Not to say that they were inherently terrible people, they were just functioning at a very low vibrational frequency. So you know how there’s this thing that happens when women get together, they begin to cycle together. Well, if you hang out with a particular set of people, your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions eventually become like the thoughts of the people that you hang out with.
What’s that saying? Like your finances, or your finances are dictated by the five people you hang out the most. And they begin to match up with their finances? That’s a really interesting concept. So that’s why it’s so important to protect ourselves from who we expose ourselves to on a regular basis. And some of you listen to this are probably thinking oh shit, gosh that person you’re talking about, that’s my spouse. What do I do now? Well, I would say fervently pray for your spouse.
Hope and pray that they change, and oftentimes they do. And that’s marriage, right? Marriage takes a lot of work. All right, so I stopped hanging out with who I was hanging out with, I began to rewire my beliefs and perceptions. Now, this then just happened immediately overnight, it took time, right?
So I had the rock bottom moment. Woke up the next day, vowed never to drink again and I quit drinking for about a year and a half. I set a goal for myself, I wanted to graduate high school on time, did that. Then I set another goal, oh I wanted to start college shortly thereafter, and I started college within a matter of months of graduating, and I had tunnel vision and I never looked back.
And I ended up graduating at, I was 26, graduated in May of 2008 from Life West Chiropractic College. And I became a chiropractor when I was 26. And it all happened because I had that rock bottom moment, changed who I was hanging out with, and then changed my mindset which changed my behaviors, which changed my outcomes. And it all stemmed from changing and shifting my thoughts and beliefs, okay.
And this is like, remember in part one we heavily got into the placebo effect, right? We talked about the dude on antidepressants, and really he was taking a placebo the whole time, but he thought he was actually taking antidepressants. And because he thought he was taking antidepressants, he felt better, right? His mood improved, but he was really taking sugar pills the whole time.
But then he has a bad breakup with his girlfriend, he wants to end his life and he ends up downing the whole bottle of pills and he gets violently ill and sick. But when he’s rushed off to the hospital, and they run all the tests on him, they can’t find a trace of any of the antidepressant in his system.
In fact, they had no idea. So his ill health was completely psychosomatic, because he thought that he had just downed a whole bottle of antidepressants.
He took on the symptoms, as somebody who downed a whole bottle of antidepressants, and the whole time it was a placebo. So the power of your thoughts, I mean dictates everything, right? I mean it can negatively impact your health. I mean people that think that they’re going to have better outcomes with their chemo and radiation, most often times do.
People that think they’re going to have better outcomes with their surgeries, most often do. Versus the people that have a negative mindset. So here’s another concept, could our thoughts potentially change our reality? Could our thoughts potentially change our reality? As a man thinketh, so is he.
Do our thoughts play a role and change our environment? Change our reality, you know? Can we manifest things in our life via our brain? Well, let me tell you a story, okay. This comes from my book, this is page 48 and the title of this section is energy, frequency and winning the lottery, okay. It all has to do with energy, in fact everything in the universe is made up of energy, vibrating at different frequencies.
In other words, all matter is just energy vibrating at various speeds. The faster an object vibrates, the higher the frequency and the more energy it has. Even solid objects that don’t look like they are in motion, like a couch for example, are vibrating according to quantum physics.
Inanimate objects we can see are typically vibrating at a lower frequency. With humans, our frequency can vary based on what state we’re in. All right, this is powerful. So your state of being that we talked about, this is huge, okay. Our states are interdependent on physical health and mental health.
For example, low frequency thoughts lead to a lowering of our state, versus high frequency thoughts that lead to a higher vibrational state. If you believe in the low vibrational lie that you’re not good enough, and you continually think to yourself I’m not good enough, it will trigger your body to down regulate the chemicals that increase energy in your body.
For example, people who are chronically depressed have low levels of serotonin and dopamine. The problem? Ninety percent of the thoughts we think every day are habitual. Meaning, we primarily think that same thoughts every day over and over again. And every time we think the same thoughts, we are creating stronger neural connections down a single pathway.
This is called a neural pathway, and it is how all habits are created, negative thoughts will always create a low vibrational state, especially when they are repetitive. Since like attracts like, having a lowered vibrational state will attract things into your environment that will reinforce your state, right? I mean you’ve heard this example before.
You buy a car and it’s a particular color, and all of a sudden you start noticing cars that are the same exact model, and same color as your car, okay. All of a sudden, it’s like you didn’t see him before and then all of a sudden you see him now. And isn’t it interesting how you’ll think of thought, and then a person will show up in your life, and it’s a reflection or at least part of the reflection of the thoughts that you were having just a few days ago.
So do your thoughts really play a role in the reality that you create for yourself? So moreover, your energy will attract certain people, circumstances and situations into your life that have the same vibrational frequency. Again, like attracts like. So we radiate a specific energy signature, I like that word, energy signature.
Which is always broadcasting information as electromagnetic energy. It’s as if we are broadcasting our own radio stations. In fact, we are indeed like a radio transmitter and receiver. If you ever placed your hands on the old school rabbit ears of a television set and gotten a better picture, it’s because your body is working as the antenna, and the signal is flowing through you.
Your thoughts and beliefs create your electromagnetic energy signature, which impacts, influences and attracts your environment. Go figure, right? So you want proof of this phenomenon, let’s talk about a lottery winner. 53 year old California software account executive, Cynthia Stafford visualized herself winning 112 million dollars in the lottery, and she won exactly that.
At the time of her winning, Cynthia was raising her late brother’s five children in a 1,100 square foot apartment in Los Angeles. At one point, all five children were taken from her by social services. They eventually apologized to Ms. Stafford for their misjudgment and the children were returned to her care.
On the verge of losing her apartment, she found strength in reading the bible and self-improvement books about positive thinking, visualization and the law of attraction. One day, she decided she was going to win the lottery by manifesting it into her reality. She visualized the exact amount of 112 million dollars, wrote it down daily, slept with the number underneath her pillow at night.
Meditated on winning it, replaced any doubts with positive thoughts and got really excited about what she was going to do when she won. She created the thoughts, beliefs and perceptions that were required to win, and she reconditioned them. She was already a winner before she won. Could it be that her thoughts created an energy frequency that attracted 112 million dollars into her life?
Or was it merely a coincidence? I would argue that she created her own reality, especially since other people have used similar law of attraction methods to win the lottery, or to manifest anything they wanted in their lives, and they did. Whether it’s better health, better relationships or just a better life in general, maybe it’s time we start focusing on what we want, rather than what we don’t want, right?
If your car’s going to crash, and you’re looking at the thing that you’re going to crash into, most often you’re going to crash into that thing. Versus looking to where you need the car to go, interesting, right? So how do you change your state? How do you rewire your brains? Well, biblically it says ask, seek and knock. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock in the door will be open to you.
The knocking implies action, the seeking requires quest, the asking requires a change in your thoughts and beliefs. It requires a wanting for something more in your life. Could it be that God provides in our lives when we open ourselves up to it? Could it be that God blesses us if he knows that that blessing is going to truly benefit us? Now some, people do this all the time, they squander their blessings.
They’re blessed in so many ways, but they don’t appreciate their blessings, they’re not thankful for them, they’re not in a state of gratitude, they don’t even acknowledge them as blessing. I do this all the time, I ask patients like hey, what’s good today? What do you mean what’s good today? What do you mean what’s good today? I mean what’s good today, name me one good thing, right? This is important, right?
And they can’t think of one good thing. Well, your heart’s beating, your lungs are breathing, you woke up today, the sun is out, the sun is shining, it’s raining, we need water. There’s so many things to be thankful for, there’s so many things, so many blessings that happen every day.
But this is the problem, people are so negative, because they’re wired for negativity. They wake up, they don’t have a morning routine, and they turn on the news, which is all negative and it reinforces these negative thoughts and beliefs, and actions and behaviors. So how do we change our state? So to get what we want out of life, we must change our state, we got to reprogram our minds with new thoughts, beliefs and perceptions about our reality.
So let me give you some things that can create states of inspiration. Look, you will change your state when you feel inspired to do so, okay. So inspiring activities that cause a state change going for a hike, being out in nature. You find yourself constantly thinking negative thoughts, and you’re panicking about what’s going on.
You have a lot of anxiety, get outside, go for a walk, get out in the sun, breathe the fresh air, get out into nature, it’s inspiring. And you could create a new life for yourself when you feel inspired. Inspired means breath of god, you inspire, you take in that breath, it means from God, okay.
Working out is a great way to change your state. I mean how many of you listening this, right? If you’re listening to this, you probably went to the gym pissed off, and 20 minutes later into your workout you don’t even know why you’re pissed off anymore. Working out, movement creates emotion. Motion creates emotion, and positive motion creates positive emotion.
Most people don’t move enough, and they become sad sacks because they sit so much. Listening to inspiring music, instrumental music while practicing meditation is a great way to feel inspired and to change your state of mind. Talking with positive people, hanging out with positive people, hanging out with leaders, hanging out with people that have manifested the life that you want similar, right?
Not that you’re coveting their life, but you just want to live a life similar to the life that they’re living. So like hanging out with people that have manifested a life that you want. Maybe not that exact life, but you’re like hey, I want to hang out with winners, because winners breed more winners. You hang out with losers, that’s the problem. And I hate to label them as such, but you know what I’m talking about. Reading self-help books. One of the books that really helped me surprisingly wasn’t the bible so to speak. I mean I read the bible now, and it helps me a great deal.
But back in the day it was unlimited power, had gone through a bad breakup, I was not feeling confident in myself and I devoured this book. And I’ve read it four times over since then. I’ve read it so much pages are falling out of it. I’ve highlighted it so much, I mean practically every word in the book is highlighted. And so reading self-help books that can help improve areas of your life that need improvement, right?
The big thing with reading books is you got to apply the information, right? So take notes, take copious notes for things that you feel inspired by. And begin to apply those things in your life as soon as possible. Watching inspiring movies, watching educational YouTube videos, listening to motivational podcasts these are things that can change your state. Help to rewire your brain.
Go to life transforming seminars that goes without saying. Church services and community events, these are oftentimes very good things that can create inspiration. And one of the things is like when you don’t feel like doing some of these things, and you know that you need to, then you need to, right? Like when you don’t feel like doing it, and you do it, that’s the time you gain the most.
Because there’s often times where like I won’t feel like going to church and I’ll go to church, and I’m like thank god I went to church, because I just heard something that’s exactly what I needed to hear, to help me in my life and help me be a better person, help me be a better Christian, a better husband, a better dad for my daughter. The mind has a powerful way of attracting things that are in harmony with it, good or bad, okay.
So here’s the magic formula, and the secret is there’s really no secret. A lot of this stuff is common sense. But I hope that I can speak this messages in such a way that it inspires you to change your life. So it all begins with your beliefs, right? Your beliefs are really the foundation to everything that is you, right? So you start with your beliefs, okay. What do I believe to be true, and why do I believe those things to be true.
For example, when I was a kid and I was calling myself a loser, I believed it to be true, but why was I a loser? Okay. I thought I was a loser because I didn’t have the girl I wanted. I thought I was a loser because I wasn’t popular, and all these things are just, all those things were lies I was telling myself, it was ridiculous. I mean the reality was I wasn’t a loser, I was a smart kid who was a little lost and I needed to discover my purpose.
But that wasn’t my self-talk, that wasn’t the stuff I was saying to myself continually. So I had to rewire those beliefs, and I had to begin to change those thought patterns. So once I changed my beliefs about myself, all of a sudden my confidence began to rise up. My confidence began to lift in myself, my self-esteem got better. And therefore, my beliefs dictated my behaviors.
And now because my actions were changed, okay. This is faith in combination with works, because my actions change, I began to manifest the outcomes that I wanted in my life. And all these outcomes led to me creating a certain positive reality in my life.
Now I’m not saying shit didn’t happen, and I never felt depressed and anxiety and things like that. But as I got stronger and more confident in myself, the things that would bother me a great deal didn’t really bother me so much anymore.
And I was able to get through it. And I was able to ultimately change my life, okay. Now there’s still areas in my life I need to work on. I mean there’s, I love self-improvement, right? I mean the greatest subject you can ever study in life is yourself. You are a phenomenal subject of study. Figuring out oneself is the ultimate quest of life purpose, right?
I’m going to do a whole podcast on purpose, what is it? Why is it so essential? Well, I believe God designed us on purpose for an incredible purpose, for an incredible purpose, you just have to believe that to be so. So it’s up to us to discover what God’s purpose is for our lives.
And how do we discover that? Well, we start writing down our talents and our treasures, and where we could be influenced and help people. What has God blessed us with skills, talents and traits. I became a chiropractor because I wanted to help people. I realized I had a passion for holistic health care, and I realized people were being lied to.
So I thought wow, the greatest thing I could do as a chiropractor is work to help people shift their paradigms, okay. Help people shift their paradigms, and the adjustment is almost a physical, symbolic metaphor for shifting one’s paradigms, that’s how I think of chiropractic. Because not only am I removing interference neurologically, and allowing somebody to have better brain body connection.
But I’m also removing interference with their mindset, their thoughts, their beliefs, their paradigms. And out of that, they start thinking better thoughts and they begin to change their life. It’s really cool that I’ve had patients get off their antidepressants. It’s really cool that patients become, patients become a lot healthier and they begin to start living out their God-given purpose.
You see a total change in their demeanor, they start smiling more, there’s a spirit behind the eyes, they’re not the walking dead anymore. I don’t think God’s purpose for our lives is to be drugged up on pharmacopoeia. I don’t think there is better living through chemistry, like the title of the movie.
There’s not better living through chemistry, there can’t be. If there was, then why are so many people taking drugs and not living out their lives in the fullest capacity? I mean all these drugs have negative side effects, and they slowly poison the body over time. And they cause all these ill health problems.
I mean if drugs were the answer, then why would somebody need to take more than one drug, right? Because they end up combating the side effects from the multiple drugs that they’re taking, so they need to take even more, it’s called polypharmacy and we’re really good at it in this country.
And that’s essentially why I wrote my book, too designed to thrive. I wrote that book because I just realized so many people were just still surviving, and they weren’t thriving, they were caught up in surviving, but not thriving. The true essence of life is for all of us to thrive, I mean I believe that’s how God designed us to be. I believe that’s what God wants for us is to thrive in life and begin to live out our sole purpose.
So a couple of things what can you do in your life to instantly change your state? What are the things you can continually expose yourself to reinforce a positive mindset? I’m not saying to walk around like a Pollyanna, and pretend that there’s no weeds, and you put on a fake smile and all that, that’s garbage too. But I am saying that we could slowly begin to change our thoughts, our beliefs, our demeanor, our state of mind by exposing ourselves to positive things like going outside for a hike, listening to powerful, inspiring and instrumental music. Watching inspirational movies, reading a good self-help book.
Cracking open the scripture, and start reading about why God loves us, and things like that. I mean these are powerful ways that we can shift our mindset. And then we need to reinforce positive thought patterns. Like I’ve always been a big fan of affirmations, you know. I am a person to be admired, I’m a person to be followed, because my actions speak louder than my words, okay.
I am statements are extremely powerful, and I think everybody should be saying positive affirmations to themselves, especially when they start their day. How you start your day is the most important part of your day, because it will oftentimes dictate how the rest of your days is going to go.
So look, I hope this podcast found you well today, I hope it inspired you to take action in your life. No matter how good you think your life is, it could always be better. And I think there’s times to take a step back and celebrate our achievements.
But there’s also times that we need to continue to push forward, and continue to refine ourselves, and become better versions of ourselves. When you think that you’re perfect, you’re completely off base, you’re wrong. There’s always room for improvement. And if you look at anybody who’s extremely successful in life, they’re always working on areas that they can improve.
Yes, they have their fun times and they celebrate. But they’re always striving for perfection. As one of my mentors said when somebody would ever ask him how are you doing today? He would say oh, I’m near perfect. He was near perfect, but never did he say I’m perfect. Always near perfect, right? Because we’re always striving for perfection, even though we might not achieve perfection, we never will, it’s an impossibility, we could strive for it.
Why not? I mean come on. With such a short time that we live on this planet, why are we not trying to become the best versions of ourselves, right? Doesn’t the world deserve for more of you to show up? One of my favorite Tony Robbins quotes. The world deserves for more of you to show up, how does more of you show up when you’re thinking constantly negative thoughts, and your mind is constipated with all these bad thoughts? It doesn’t, right? So the world deserves for more of you to show up. Every day, start your day off with some positive affirmations.
Write down your goals, and look at your goals every single day, and it will powerfully affect your life. Start doing more things that inspire you to make changes in your life, and quit exposing yourself to all the stuff that makes you negative.
And that’s powerful as well. Anyway, God bless you today, and like I said I hope this message found you well and inspired you. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we are going to be talking about purpose, God bless.
OUTRO: This episode of the design to thrive podcast was brought to you by our sponsor, thrive spine center in Folsom, California. Thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed today’s show, head over to Thrivespinecenter.com to gain access to our free resources, and to subscribe to our newsletter.
Also, you can pick up a copy of Dr. J’s book designed to thrive on Amazon, check it out, and stay tuned for our next show.
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