Clean up your home environment:
1. Reduce Clutter * Reducing clutter clears the mind and decreases stress. It also calms anxiety.
#1 Tip – get rid of stuff you don’t need
2. Get rid of Toxic Cookware and Toxic Foods: * Teflon Cookware (non-stick pans) “Teflon contains a compound known as C8, which is harmful to both your health and the environment. According to a large body of research, C8 disrupts normal hormone function and lowers testosterone levels in men.” It also promotes cancer… [Watch the movie “Dark Waters”]
Toss out anything that’s expired, anything with added sugar, chemical preservatives, artificial dyes, or flavor enhancers.
3. Clean your home with “non-toxic” cleaners: *
Using household cleaners containing harsh chemicals can significantly damage lung capacity. Focus on using safer products that don’t “off-gas” and cause hormone issues, lung issues and promote cancer.
Safer: Read the warnings on the back labels of national brand cleaners. Even the manufacturers know that they’re dangerous. Why bring that risk into your home?
4. Reduce EMF exposure * Wire up internet, get rid of wireless router, place guard around your smart meter.