Written by: Dr. Jason Bergerhouse If you’re human, when you wake up in the morning you probably feel an intense need to stretch. This is primarily because of your fascia.
Written by: Dr. Jason Bergerhouse If you’re human, when you wake up in the morning you probably feel an intense need to stretch. This is primarily because of your fascia.
Written by: Dr. Jason Bergerhouse Stretches for your back and neck don’t have to be so complex and convoluted. You can do stretches quite easily throughout the day that are simple to do
Written by: Dr. Jason Bergerhouse It is likely that you have acquired some upper back and neck pain during this 7 month – “perpetual – Never Ending – Draconian –
Survive or Thrive! “Dr. Jay” Bergerhouse, D.C. INTRODUCTION “You never know how far reaching something you think, say or do today, will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.” B.J. Palmer I decided to write Designed
“IF you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla As a Chiropractor who focuses on natural health and healing
Our team will take a systematic approach to your health to ensure you get the very best results. In fact, we don’t guess, we test. We offer a very thorough Consultation, Examination, and a complete set of digital x-rays (if necessary) to find out exactly what is causing your problem. We will determine a plan of action to improve your health and quality of life – So you don’t have to suffer with Chronic and/or Acute pain anymore. Our main goal is to help you Thrive through advanced Chiropractic Techniques!
Our goal is to remove the interference or blockages that are preventing a person from living an abundant life, this is Chiropractic 101!
We only take medicare for insurance.
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Chiropractic Exam, X-Rays, AND a Consultation for $28!