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“IF you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

As a Chiropractor who focuses on natural health and healing I find frequency as it relates to the body to be a fascinating topic. See, I believe everything to do with one’s health has to do with frequency. You can define one’s frequency as an ‘energy state.’ Those that are sick and diseased seem to have low energy states or low frequency.

Frequency Definition: “The rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second.”

Every cell in the human body has it’s own “energy state.” Cells vibrate and therefore have an optimum frequency. When cells vibrate at their optimal level OR frequency they are healthy. Healthy cells allow for the human body to function at it’s optimal capacity (the way its supposed to function). This means that all systems of the body are working as they should be.

A dis-ease state arises when cells aren’t functioning at their optimal level… Dis-ease merely means a “lack of ease” or harmony within the body which eventually can lead to disease. Arguably, the major cause of ALL DISEASE is “interference.”

Interference causes a struggle within the body to communicate with itself and the outside environment (external environment), which means it cannot adapt to internal and external stressors as well which leads to a dis-eased state. Overtime, if the interference is not removed the person will obviously get worse because the body becomes more imbalanced.

A perfect example of “self induced” interference can be seen with the person who eats a very poor diet. A poor diet would consist of a Standard American Diet (SAD), which equates to a high consumption of grains, processed fats (hydrogenated oils), processed dairy, and highly processed meats (i.e. sausage, salami, bacon, etc.). On top of this most “foods” we do eat are loaded with pesticides and heavy metals as well as other toxins that weak havoc in the body – especially as these toxins/heavy metals bio-accumulate. If this person doesn’t change their diet they will likely manifest a disease state, i.e. diabetes, obesity, heart disease, etc. Interestingly enough, food can be defined and split into 2 categories: Life Giving Foods or High Energy Foods; in other words: Disease Causing Foods or Low Energy Foods. One type of food “gives” to the body and the other “takes away.”

“An Optimal Functioning Body Requires Optimal Fuel.” – Dr. Jay

Examples of environmentally induced interference(s) are found everywhere. One such example, would be cell phone towers. There have been several reports of people getting cancer who live in close proximity to a cell tower. In fact, exemptions were given to fire stations because of the major neurological symptoms that were occurring in fire fighters from sleeping and working in stations with towers. The theory behind this, which I wrote a great deal about in my book (Designed to Thrive) is that High Frequency Radiation negatively impacts cellular communication. [6]


All of our individualized cells have their own optimum frequency. Liver cells have a frequency as do kidney cells and all other cells in your body. According to Dr. Royal Raymond Rife (inventor of the Rife Machine) every disease has a frequency and he found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of diseases and others would destroy it. Basically, Dr. Rife used frequency to heal the sick and as a means of prevention.

According to Dr. Beverly Rubik, PhD (See Beverly Rubik info below), in a paper she wrote on the Human Biofield, “considerable similarities exist between ancient concepts of the life force and modern biofield concepts in their assumption that a form of life-giving energy flows throughout the body and that illness arises as a result of blockages, excesses, or irregularities in its flow.”

Although this might sound a bit far fetched, it was even discovered that your cells create their own sound. In fact, there is a science for studying this very phenomenon known as ‘sonocytology.” Healthy cells create their own music so to speak, and unhealthy cells create their own music. The difference between the music of a healthy cell versus an unhealthy cell is as different as night and day. Unhealthy cells sound “horribly out of tune” compared to the healthy cells, as stated by the biologists in the study. In fact, biologists can distinguish healthy cells from cancer cells simply by listening to the “music” or sound the cells create. [3]

Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia adopted this same technology [sonocytology] to detect skin cancer cells (melanomas) in blood samples. They successfully picked out the cancerous cells by the piercing scream emanating from the cells with excess melanin. Being able to simply ‘hear’ these caterwauling cancer cells prevented the need to conduct painful, and invasive, skin biopsies. The reasons for this vocal disparity are unclear, but cancerous cells possess corrupt internal machinery: they divide uncontrollably and their DNA becomes riddled with mutations. Both of these undoubtedly impact on cell membrane integrity which may consequently modify the rates of vibration, resulting in distinctive noises.” [3]

Exploring the Biofield: Harnessing the Healing Power of Sound Frequencies

In the realm of energy healing, there exists a profound and transformative method known as Biofield Tuning—a practice that delves deep into the human energy field to restore balance and vitality. At its core, Biofield Tuning leverages the power of sound healing through the use of tuning forks, and its potential for healing is nothing short of remarkable.

The pioneer of Biofield Tuning, Eileen Day McKusick, has meticulously mapped the energetic biofield that surrounds the body. This biofield, often likened to an electromagnetic energy field, not only envelops us but plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Just as a musical instrument requires tuning to produce harmonious melodies, our biofield needs periodic balancing to maintain optimal health.

Biofield Tuning sessions involve the use of tuning forks to locate and address disturbances in this energy field. The practitioner listens to the vibrations, a process aptly described as “tuning the human biofield,” and then employs the tuning forks to correct any distorted vibrational sounds. These subtle energies can carry imprints of past traumas, stored in the human energy field, and addressing them can lead to profound healing.

One of the key principles of Biofield Tuning is the recognition that trauma isn’t solely stored in the physical body but also in the biofield that surrounds it. Eileen McKusick’s discoveries have opened up new avenues of healing for energy workers and sound healers alike. By working with the vibrational frequency of the biofield, practitioners can elevate a client’s energy and facilitate the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

The biofield anatomy, a precise map of the energetic areas in the biofield, provides a guide for those who wish to explore this transformative healing method. Practitioners use tuning forks to clear trauma stored in the biofield, harmonizing the flow of energy and information that surrounds us. Each tuning fork corresponds directly with a specific area in the biofield, making it a powerful tool for addressing imbalances.

Moreover, Biofield Tuning is a versatile healing method. It not only corrects the distortions in the biofield but also imparts consistent vibrational frequencies, much like the art of sound healing. This practice goes beyond just hearing sound; it involves using sound to heal, align, and elevate your energy.

For those interested in sound healing for beginners or chakra healing, Biofield Tuning is a captivating approach to explore. By working with tuning forks through these areas in the frequency domain, individuals can unlock the healing power of sound frequencies. This method aligns with the principles of vibrational medicine, tapping into the potential of sound to heal the body and mind.

As you delve into the world of Biofield Tuning, you’ll discover that it provides not only a form of therapy but a profound understanding of the field of energy and information that surrounds us. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the flow of energy within your biofield and harness the healing potential of sound frequencies.

In essence, Biofield Tuning is the art of sound healing, a practice that invites you to heal your body by tuning into the harmonious frequencies that surround and support your energetic being. As you embark on this journey, you’ll find that the power of sound can be a transformative force, unlocking the secrets of the human biofield and offering a path to greater health and vitality.

So, whether you’re an energy worker, a seasoned healer, or simply someone curious about the profound effects of sound on the human body, Biofield Tuning provides new avenues of healing and a deeper connection with the vibrant, energetic world that surrounds us.


Bruce Tainio, a biologist (see bio notes at the bottom) created a machine similar to the Rife machine to measure the frequency of the human body. What he found is that the human body resonates between 62 to 72 Hz when healthy. According to Tainio, as the body drops in frequency for various reasons – mainly environmental and physiological – the immune system is hindered or suppressed and disease is more apt to ensue. [3] What I find ironic is that Tainio himself died at the rather young age of 65 from cancer. [4]


Your thoughts play a huge role in your life. Thoughts are indeed things! Obviously positive thoughts are better for a person than negative thoughts, but why? It’s because negative thoughts profoundly effect your physiology. Negative thoughts can raise your blood pressure and even cause your adrenal glands to kick out adrenaline and positive thoughts have the exact opposite response. In fact, negative or lower frequency thoughts put your body into a lowered frequency state. Think about it, is depression a high energy emotion or a low energy emotion? When somebody is depressed do they express tons of energy? No, they’re usually slow moving, their posture is forward and down (shoulders rounded, head and gaze are down).

One way to positively change your life and your “thought frequency” is to begin your day with affirmations. I started doing this years ago and it profoundly made an impact in my life – FOR THE BETTER!!! You can say positive affirmations to yourself silently or out loud. I do this first thing in the morning to a meditation track set to 432 Hz.

The power behind 432 Hz. music or tone. Some of the greatest classical composers and musicians ever to exist tuned their instruments and based their music on the natural vibration/frequency of the note A (above middle C) tuned to 432 Hz. 432 Hz is said to resonate in harmony with the Universe because it is thought to be mathematically consistent with nature. It is said that 432 Hz is even connected to the construction of ancient works and sacred places, such as the great Pyramid of Egypt. Even the radius of the sun is 4,320 X 10 = 432,000. Biblically, God spoke the Universe, and mankind into existence.

There is an optimum range of vibration (frequency) for every living and non-living thing on this planet – this is called “resonance.” In fact, when our bodies are “in resonance,” we are balanced. When you meditate to 432 Hz it is thought to help balance out both hemispheres of your brain. Scientists call this “whole brain synchronization.” This means that both hemispheres work together in harmony, allowing for more creative thought. Unfortunately, most music has been tuned to the frequency of 440 Hz, which is thought to only resonate with the left side of your brain. So try downloading some meditation tracks set to 432 Hz and see if you notice a difference in how you feel.

I think meditation is KEY to raising your frequency or energy state! But it NEEDS to be a daily practice.

The way to meditate is you just start doing it. There is no “one way” to meditate – that’s nonsense. What you need to do is figure out what works best for you. Often times when I meditate I will lay face up in the dark while on the floor with my headphones in (playing a meditation track). As I lay there I say my 25 affirmations to myself. Sometimes I have even fallen asleep while meditating, which is quite alright.

While laying there, close your eyes and say positive “I AM” statements to yourself. You can also choose to meditate in a seated position. I have even meditated in front of my office while in my car. I have also meditated while laying in my bed. You can even meditate while hanging upside down – the point is just start doing it regularly.

To me, meditation with prayer or affirmations is one of the most powerful and profound ways to start off your day…


“Energy flows were attention goes. Attention is the key to everything including how focus of attention triggers the decoding process that transforms waveform information into holographic reality.

Symbols represent an energetic field. For example, if a symbol represents Saturn then its energetic field will resonate to the Saturn frequency. Focusing on that symbol even subconsciously through the 11 million minus 40 – will attach you to that frequency.” [7]


Beverly Rubik, PhD

“Professor Beverly Rubik earned her PhD in biophysics in 1979 at the University of California at Berkeley. As a frontier scientist, she is internationally renowned for exploring biofield science and energy medicine. Her main area of focus is research on the subtle energetics of living systems, including spiritual healing. She has published over 60 papers and 2 books. Dr. Rubik serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, and Integrative Medicine Insights. She has served on the advisory boards of various groups, including the Program in Integrative Medicine under Dr. Andrew Weil.” [5]

Bruce Tainio:

“His career took him to many countries and remote corners of the world. In 1985, Bruce began his own seed company, Tainio Technology. Not content with standard growing practices, he soon developed a line of natural products based on enzymes and beneficial bacteria, to enhance the health of his crops. Bruce was well known for his unique farming philosophies, was a sought after lecturer and consultant in the agricultural world, and quoted in many books and publications. Today, farmers around the world use Tainio’s products and sustainable agriculture methods. As a hobby, Bruce was an inventor and a student of energy and quantum physics, which lead him to invent several instruments, which minimize environmental stress from electromagnetic frequencies. These instruments are now being used in households, businesses, and on farms and factories around the world, and manufactured by Tainio Technology’s sister company, Coherent Resources.” [4]

FAQs About Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy and Biofield Tuning

What is Biofield Tuning, and how does it differ from traditional sound healing methods?

Biofield Tuning is a unique approach to sound healing that focuses on the biofield, the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds the body. Unlike traditional sound healing, which may involve listening to sound, Biofield Tuning uses tuning forks to locate and correct distorted vibrational sounds within the biofield. This method provides a precise map of the energetic biofield and addresses imbalances to promote healing.

How can Biofield Tuning benefit the chakras and energy balancing?

Biofield Tuning is particularly effective for chakra healing and energy balancing. Practitioners use tuning forks to work with specific points in the biofield that correspond directly with the chakras. By clearing disturbances and harmonizing these energy centers, Biofield Tuning helps restore balance and vitality to the entire energy body.

What role do vocal toning frequencies play in Biofield Tuning?

Vocal toning frequencies are an integral part of Biofield Tuning. During a session, practitioners not only listen to the tuning of the human biofield but also impart consistent vibrational sounds using tuning forks. These vocal toning frequencies are carefully selected to address imbalances and promote healing within the biofield.

How does Biofield Tuning address trauma stored in the human energy field?

Biofield Tuning recognizes that trauma isn’t limited to the physical body but is also stored in the biofield. Practitioners use tuning forks to locate and correct the distorted vibrational sounds associated with past traumas. By doing so, Biofield Tuning facilitates the release and healing of stored trauma, allowing the body to heal on multiple levels.

Can Biofield Tuning be used in conjunction with other healing modalities?

Yes, Biofield Tuning can complement other healing modalities. It offers a unique form of energy work that can be integrated into a broader healing regimen. Some practitioners even combine Biofield Tuning with frequency-specific microcurrent therapy, further expanding its potential for healing. It can be a valuable addition to a holistic approach to health and well-being.








7. Icke, David. “Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told” David Icke, 2017

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