Ease Your Neck Pain While on the Road!
See video below for complete description or click here: NECK ROLL RELIEF You can ease your neck pain while on the road using this simple tip! I travel a lot
See video below for complete description or click here: NECK ROLL RELIEF You can ease your neck pain while on the road using this simple tip! I travel a lot
“How’s it goin’? Dr. Jay here with Thrive Spine Center
in beautiful Folsom, California. I’m here with our full spine skeleton Dr. Bones today we are gonna talk about headaches and migraines. As a chiropractor I have been a chiropractor now for over years and we’ve had a lot of success with headaches and migraines in our office. I know all about chronic pain because I’ve felt Pain before I actually became a chiropractor and I know all about Headaches and migraines because I’ve seen it in my patients. but the good news is there is an answer out there and the answer doesn’t have to be a bottle of pills like Imitrex or Topamax that come with all those severe side effects. The answer could be just in merely correcting your spine and I’ll explain how. Typically in my clinical experience what I’ve seen is that migraine sufferers typically have a loss of curve in their neck. This is a patient who came in with 34 years of migraines she had a complete loss of curve in her neck we’re supposed to have a nice 34 to 45 degree curve in our neck and she had forward head posture. Her head was actually shifted forward by 35 millimeters. The problem with that is it creates all this tension and stress throughout the neck and it causes tightness in these muscles called the suboccipital muscles. Now you have nerves that come out of here that go right into the head so if those muscles tighten up they are going to put pressure on those nerves they’re going cause nerve irritation that can lead to headaches and migraines. So by correcting the spine adjusting the spine and getting the bones moving better and getting the pressure off the nerves and working on bringing a normal curve back in the neck And getting the head back on top of the shoulders those muscles relax and you end up with less nerve irritation you have better brain-body connection and essentially the body can heal itself from the inside out when removed of interference. This patient who came in was suffering with years of migraines. In fact when I met her in the midst of our conversation she started having a migraine. So I said look you need to come in we’re having a new patient special here’s my card. She ends up coming in we took x-rays on her neck and she was initially skeptical but guess what within two weeks of corrective chiropractic care years of migraines almost completely went away in terms of intensity and frequency. The amount of time she felt the migraines went down and the intensity of her migraine actually went down when she felt them. Within the course of care she didn’t notice that she was having migraines anymore. And let me just tell you that’s the power of chiropractic and that’s why I became a chiropractor because I wanted to help as many people as possible. I realized that there was a drug epidemic in this country. Country and it didn’t have
anything to do with street drugs. It has everything to do with we are over-prescribed we’re over-medicated and we have all of these health issues thereof. In the United States we take more drugs than any industrialized country on the face of the planet yet we’re one of the sickest countries.
And we’re supposed to have one of the best healthcare systems. I just believe the answer is so much more than that. So guess what? If you’re suffering with chronic headaches and migraines like million
Americans are suffering with headaches and migraines right now if you’re one of the 18% of women
that suffers with chronic migraines or you’re one of the 6% of men that suffers with chronic migraines guess what? There is an answer out there for you and we’re offering a chance to come in to
our office to see if chiropractic can be a good option for you. We have a new patient special going on right now. I call it the superhero new patient special. Right now because we’re actually in the midst
of doing our blockbuster movie week in the office and we are raffling off tickets for the new Avengers movie that’s out right now in theaters. Anyway the new patient special consists of a thorough consultation a complete examination a complete set of digital x-rays and a report of findings. So that means after I take those x-rays on you I’m gonna sit down with you and we’re gonna go over those x-rays. I’ll go over what’s workin’ what’s not workin’ and I’ll lay out a plan of action for correcting what’s going on in there as opposed to just giving you temporary relief at best. If you’re tired of suffering with chronic pain tired of suffering with chronic headaches and migraines maybe this could be the answer for you. So give our office a call at 916-587-1276 or click the link below and get signed up today. If you sign up today we’ll also give you tickets for our dinner with the doc program that we teach here in the office where we pay for a healthy meal for you and we deliver a powerful health message thereof. Give us a call and I look forward to seeing you soon. Have a great day
When I was 19 years old I was into weight lifting big time! So much so, that I ended up injuring my right shoulder while bench pressing too heavy. I
I believe dairy is scary for 3 reasons: One dairy is not good for us. I think the one thing the dairy industry has been good at is duping us
Our team will take a systematic approach to your health to ensure you get the very best results. In fact, we don’t guess, we test. We offer a very thorough Consultation, Examination, and a complete set of digital x-rays (if necessary) to find out exactly what is causing your problem. We will determine a plan of action to improve your health and quality of life – So you don’t have to suffer with Chronic and/or Acute pain anymore. Our main goal is to help you Thrive through advanced Chiropractic Techniques!
Our goal is to remove the interference or blockages that are preventing a person from living an abundant life, this is Chiropractic 101!
We only take medicare for insurance.
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