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“Although we are constantly exploring the subject,

currently there is no direct evidence that

links cell phone usage to brain cancer.”

 Quote from the movie:  “Thank You for Not Smoking”

Today we live in a technological era that has brought us such wonderous advancements like Wi-Fi. This allows us to connect to the internet through our wireless deviices using a high frequency radio signal. It is very similar to how your car’s radio works to tune into a radio station signal over the airways. Your device can pick up on a signal that connects it to the internet via the air. And, it’s certainly amazing how much these wireless devices have practically taken over our lives.


As I look around the coffee-shop I’m writing this chapter at, I see a couple of guys using their tablets, I see another guy that is distracted by texting on his Smart Phone while his buddy is trying to talk to him. I bought my non-caffeinated beverage by inserting my C.C. chip into a machine connected to a computer, connected to the internet via Wi-Fi. We can now connect to the internet whenever and wherever we are. Everything has become “SMART.” We have Smart Cars, Smart Homes, Smart Phones, Smart Meters, Smart TV’s, we even have Smart Toasters and Washing Machines among other things. It seems that everything can now be connected to the internet. This is great for a number of reasons: One, we always have access to the internet, and therefore information; Two, we can activate and monitor our “smart devices” via our cell phones. But what are the possible long-term negative effects of all these wireless devices on our bodies? We are only now just beginning to understand the detrimental effects of this kind of technology.


Each one of our smart devices puts out Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) or Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). EMR is all around us because it is a form of energy. According to Wikipedia, “In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) refers to the waves (or their quanta, photons) of the electromagnetic field, propagating (radiating) through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.” For our purposes we are talking about “high frequency,” aka “Radio Frequency” (RF) which is non-ionizing radiation. This is the type of radiation that your cell phone, SMART meters, and all wireless devices are constantly emitting.


You can’t see electromagnetic waves. It’s invisible energy that can only be viewed with an oscilloscope or heard with an RF reader. Similar to the waves of the ocean an electromagnetic wave starts at zero, goes up to a peak point, back down to zero, and then it keeps going down until it reaches a negative peak point, and then back up to zero. It is called a sinus wave [picture]. As the wave moves up and down it also moves forward at the speed of light. “The distance the wave travels forward is called a wavelength.” Each “kind” of electromagnetic wave has a frequency, the higher the frequency the shorter the wave length and vice versa. Radio waves are considered “high frequency.” According to Dr. Jonathan Halper PhD, author of the book “Electromagnetic Radiation Survival Guide,”

“This difference between the wavelength [frequencies] is very important because it affects our ability to block and shield these waves ().”


Today it is estimated that you and I are getting exposed to and bombarded by 100 million (100,000,000) more times the amount of EMR than our grandparents were. This is shocking, but it makes sense because most Americans own a Smart Phone and other Smart devices. According to Statista, an online stat, market research and business intelligence portal, it is estimated that there will be 248 million Smart Phone users in the U.S.  in 2019. Contrast this number with only 62.2 million in 2010. That is nearly 80% of the population!


Furthermore, according to Metova, a company founded in 2006 that specializes in APP development, after surveying 1,000 consumers in the U.S covering a wide range of demographics they discovered that 90% of U.S consumers now own some sort of a Smart Home Device. According to the same study 70% of them owned “a voice- controlled system such as an Amazon Alexa or Google Home.” Why is this a problem? Because these devices are constantly emitting EMR. Americans are increasingly becoming concerned over privacy matters because of all these smart devices, but not enough are concerned about the potential harmful effects of long-term exposure to EMR.


Our bodies are “bio-electric,” meaning all the cells within our bodies exert an “electrical current and electromagnetic field.” Each cell in your body is like a battery that contains a charge of 40-90 millivolts. The cell regulates this charge by utilizing electrolytes like, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. This charge is crucial for the cell to perform its various functions and for your body to maintain homeostasis. The human body is constantly sending and receiving electromagnetic signals through a vast array of different cells which make up different tissues (nerve, muscle, collagen, etc.). This is why a cell’s charge is so important because it plays a critical role in cellular communication. Disruption or interference with the communication between the cells will lead to illness.


Your body also receives electromagnetic signals from the outside like an antenna, like the “old school” rabbit ears on a television set. You know that just touching the television can bring in a better picture. According to Ann Louise Gittleman, Author of the book “Zapped,” this is because “[in] that moment the RF waves carrying the image are broadcasting them to you.” The problem with EMR is that it doesn’t deflect off your body, like sunlight hitting a mirror, most of it passes into your body. As described in a previous paragraph, we are constantly exposed to EMR through towers, wireless devices, cell phones, Blue Tooth, and our Smart devices. It is this constant exposure to these various frequencies that creates a disharmony within our body because it struggles to communicate with itself. In essence, EMR causes interference within our bodies, interference leads to disharmony, and disharmony leads to disease.


Since the invention of electrical power plants, and the first cell phone in 1973, to today with the so called “wireless revolution” and the advent of the Smart Phone, more and more scientists and Doctors have raised health and safety concerns over our increasing exposure to EMR. In fact, in 2012 The Bioinitiative Working Group, which is composed of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals concerned about EMR exposure and its possible public health risks published a Bioinitiative Report in 2012 citing about 1800 studies demonstrating the negative health effects caused by EMR. These negative health effects range from childhood cancers, like leukemia, to brain tumors and breast cancer, to brain disorders and nervous system dysfunction, among other things. “The Bioinitiave report maintains that permissible radiation levels in most countries are already 1,000 to 10,000 times too high ().” Even the World Health Organization in May of 2011 stated that mobile phone use may be “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” “The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same carcinogenic hazard category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform ().” In 2009, The European council has taken notice, stating that,

“The evidence is now strong enough, using the precautionary principle, to justify the following steps: 1. For the governments, the mobile industry, and the public to take all reasonable measures to reduce exposures to EMF, especially to radio frequencies from mobile phones, and particularly the exposures to children and young adults who seem to be most at risk from head tumors ().”

I think the fact that the World Health Organization alone has expressed concern is enough for both you and I to be concerned but let’s look at this issue in more detail.


A simple example of oxidative stress that happens in the environment is when oxygen strips electrons away from iron to create rust. Within our bodies a similar thing happens when we get “free radicals” or reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are normally formed as a by-product of cellular metabolism, infection, environmental pollution and toxins that we are exposed to. ROS molecules in excess are considered unstable and highly reactive because they strip electrons away from stable molecules, thus creating oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress causes inflammation within our bodies. Prolonged inflammation can set off diseases such as cancer, arthritis, autoimmune problems, cardiovascular issues, and neurodegenerative diseases. There is a growing body off evidence that shows that even short-term exposure to low frequency and/or high frequency EMR can cause increased ROS molecules and oxidative stress. In one such study, cells exposed to 10, 30, and 60 minutes of 1800 MHz RF, a common cell phone frequency, increased ROS and oxidative stress. At 60 minutes of exposure the study states that there was significant damage to lipids and protein ().


It is also important to note here that the study mentioned above also showed increased Glutathione levels after only 10 minutes of exposure. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant produced by the liver that can also be found in fruits, vegetables and meats. It is what New York Time bestselling author Ann Luise Gittleman in her book “Zapped” calls “A Resident Handyman.” This is because it can “repair free radical damage on the spot as well as clean up any toxins and the injury they cause ().” Healthy people produce a good amount of glutathione in their bodies. But, people in diseased states show severely lowered glutathione levels. The problem with prolonged exposure to EMR is that it can lower glutathione levels as some studies have shown.

One study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis tested this by having 12 healthy adult male volunteers carry their cell phones in their front pockets. The cell phones were set in the standby position with the front keypad facing the body. The results showed an increase in “lipid peroxidation” and decreased activation of “Super Oxide Dismutase” (another powerful antioxidant) and Glutathione (). If carrying your cell phone in your pocket has the potential to decrease your bodies most powerful antioxidants what else can chronic exposure to EMR do?


The evidence for the potential negative effects of long-term exposure to EMR is overwhelming and too much to write about in a single chapter. Suffice to say that long-term exposure to EMR has been linked to everything from sleeping problems, fatigue, to ADD in children, to severe neurological impairment, infertility issues, and cancer. One of the things I continually see in my office is patients who suffer from chronic fatigue or extreme exhaustion and I am convinced that a lot of their issues are due to their cell phones being attached to them. If they were to just minimize their RF exposure by turning their cell phones to airplane mode, there would probably be a huge difference in how they feel.


In this video Dr. Jay covers why he ditched his wireless router and went “Wired” in his home.

“Go wired” – instead of utilizing wireless internet, run ethernet cables to all of your “smart devices” like your computers and TV’s. This is what I did in my own home, and it decreased the EMR considerably.

“Get Rid Of” – Do you really need all those Smart Devices, like your Alexa? They emit a considerable amount of EMR; I know because I have tested them with my RF Meter. You don’t necessarily have to have all your wireless transmitting devices, but if getting rid of them isn’t an option – choose to wire them. There are experts in this field, like a good local IT guy/gal that can give you advice and even “wire-up” all your devices if you don’t want to mess with it. is a good resource to find a qualified IT guy/gal.

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