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The Worst Mistake You Can Possibly Make!

Let’s talk about the one issue most people tend to address when it’s too late. The worst possible mistake we can ever make is waiting until we get sick or waiting until we have a symptom to finally start taking care of ourselves.

Why is this the case?

60% of the people that have heart attacks don’t even know they are coming.

Many people judge their health by how they feel. The problem with waiting is that the symptoms don’t tend to show up until the problem has gotten really bad. Think of it this way, do you feel a clogged artery? No, in fact, 60% of the people that have heart attacks don’t even know they are coming. Does a person feel cancer eating away at their body? Most people don’t discover that they have cancer until it has been developing for several years! So, if the top 2 killers in this country we don’t feel until it’s too late, why would we go by the way we feel to judge whether or not we are sick or whether we are healthy? It doesn’t make much sense, does it?

As a Chiropractor I have looked at many x-rays over the years and I have seen degeneration, arthritis, and postural abnormalities in plenty of patients who had only barely begun to feel the symptoms of such things. The symptoms that we feel from any physical problem are only part of the equation.


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