In my book: “Designed to Thrive” I lay out a phenomenal protocol for detoxing the body using niacin in combination with the sauna and exercise. I wrote an entire chapter called “Removing Toxicity Interference” – PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR MY BOOK COMING OUT BY JANUARY OF NEXT YEAR!
Sweating on a regular basis with exercise and sauna usage is CRUCIAL to maintaining good health. On average I utilize a conventional sauna a minimum of 2-3 hours per week in conjunction with a full body workout and cardio. While exercise improves circulation and helps your body “mobilize” toxins (in the fluid) and get rid of them through the proper channels of elimination, the intense heat of a sauna helps your body go into a much deeper sweat (sebaceous sweat), therefore allowing your body to thoroughly detox. The Root’s Detox protocol utilizes an infrared sauna, which according to the research helps your body get rid of more toxins.
For more information on the Detox Protocol please click here → Affiliate Link for Detox