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The Number 1 Cause of Bankruptcy

The Failing Medical System and Bankruptcy

Today’s message is about the number one cause of bankruptcy. The number one cause of bankruptcy is met Medical debt! You heard it right, the number one cause a bankruptcy is medical debt, because people neglect to take care of themselves. For some reason there’s this notion that we’re invisible that it “isn’t going to happen to me.” And the reality is it does because if you look at the top three killers in this country, whether it be heart disease, cancer, or diabetes you look at all those diseases, often times you don’t feel them until it’s Too late when the problems gotten to be at its worst. All right, so people neglect their health and then they end up doing highly invasive medical procedures which costs an arm and a leg, and they end up having to file for bankruptcy because they don’t have the funds or the resources to pay for that level of debt.

Okay in 2014, right? an estimated 40% of Americans racked up debt resulting from a medical issue now it’s not shocking to learn that countless Americans struggle with medical debt. But what is surprising is the extent to which insured individuals have trouble keeping up. Last year the New York Times reported that 20% of Americans under 65 with health insurance had trouble paying their medical bills over the past. Of those, 63% claimed to have used up almost all their savings to tackle their Healthcare expenses while 42% took on an extra job to cover their costs. Okay, so unfortunately there is no guarantee, even if you have health insurance and that’s why we as a culture have to put ourselves in the driver seat and put our temples as the number one priority in our lives because check it out. You can have all the money in the world. You can have millions of dollars in your bank account. You can have the fancy cars the big homes. You can have tons of relationship Capital right? You have all these great friends and Associates and things like that. But check it out. Once you lose your health, you’ll lose it all, you can’t even enjoy those things.

This is why, in my humble opinion, people need to seek out help and guidance from Holistic practitioners who seek the CAUSE vs. masking your symptoms. A lot of Holistic practitioners, like myself work to help out patients to be healthier through education about lifestyle. And, rather than prescribing pills we work to allow the body to naturally heal itself. Why not work to prevent the top disease killers vs. just dealing with them once they have been diagnosed?

Not saying there is not a time and a place for medicine and masking the symptoms but that shouldn’t be the ONLY focus. I have always loved the quote by Thomas Edison, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” If this was the primary focus of Medicine, I doubt there would be so many people going bankrupt because of their medical bills.

Anyway, think about it. Have you ever been so sick that you And laid up on the couch. Have you had any desire motivation to do anything? Were you at your most productive moment when you were laid up on the couch. The answer is an emphatic, no. No, so your health is your number one asset. I like what Jack Lane said about health, he said, “your health account is your wealth account.” Your health account is your wealth account because there’s no better person that you could invest in! The number one asset you have is your health the greatest investment you can make is in your health.

I Remember hearing a story one time about this group of four men who went on a mission trip. Well, it just so happened that one of the gentleman who went on this trip was a type 2 diabetic right? And so they get over to this third world country where they’re going to do their mission work and the guy with the diabetes gets really really sick. So the other three gentlemen spend their whole time Just taking care of this very sick diabetic man. And that’s what I see today. You know, I’m a Christian and I see that in the churches and we say things like okay. We’re just going to pray for you brother. Okay. Well prayer isn’t the answer. I mean, it’s it’s only half the equation the other half is you gotta step through that door and you got to take action.

Check out the video for more details!

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