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Painkillers Were A Pain in My Neck!

When I was 19, I was BIG into weight lifting. Like most guys that age, I liked to push myself and unfortunately hurt my shoulder while doing a bench press that was probably a little too heavy for me. 

As a result, I found myself living with some pretty intense shoulder pain for close to 6 months with no real relief.

Like most people, my first course of action was to go see my Doctor. After a brief examination, I walked out of his office with prescriptions for muscle relaxers and painkillers. Which gave me very little relief from the pain I was experiencing and came with a huge dose of side effects and brain fog… I hated them.

My Girlfriend at the time happened to be working for a Chiropractor and after much convincing got me to schedule an appointment to be seen by her boss. I was skeptical, but at this point, I was willing to try anything. 

Dr. Barton took an x-ray of my neck and said my shoulder problem wasn’t a shoulder problem at all. He said it was actually due to a misalignment in my neck. One that was pinching on the nerves that went down my arms and into my shoulder.

Not only that, he said I had “total loss of curve in the neck, combined with 35mm of forward head posture.”  

Yeah okay, Doc… whatever right?

I didn’t believe him for a second. But, within 2 weeks of having him adjust my neck, the shoulder pain I was having constantly for close to 6 months vanished!

Not only that I started feeling more energetic. I was sleeping better, and even started thinking better thoughts! I remember sitting in his waiting room and watching patient after patient come and go. 

I watched as people got better, were able to say goodbye to their medications and the one that stands out to me most was a little kid who actually stopped using his asthma inhaler due to the chiropractic care he was receiving.

That was a moment that changed my life. I decided right then and there that THIS—chiropractic—is what I was meant to do. I’d discovered that changing your physiology via Chiropractic, could enable BIG things to happen because your tapping into your body’s natural ability to heal itself!

Haven’t you ever been amazed as your body heals a cut or a bruise all on its own?! How about the way it defends and protects itself from a cold or flu? It’s an absolutely amazing thing!

Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Curious what the benefits that can easily be achieved through chiropractic care are? Or maybe just a little curious what exactly it is we chiropractors do?

Schedule a consult with me personally and I will gladly explain the benefits of Chiropractic and how it can help you!

In Health,

Dr. Jay

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