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To make a green smoothie add 6-8 ounces of water to your blender. Rinse a handful of greens, and remove any thick or fibrous stems. Add greens to the blender. Put on the lid and blend, starting on low and turning your blender up to high. Blend until you can’t distinguish any bits of leaf. Add some fruit (bananas, berries, apples, pears, etc.).

Add other fruit and berries as you like, removing pits, cores and peels if necessary. Blend again until smooth. Serve and drink fresh.
Some greens that go particularly well in green smoothies are kale, spinach, parsley, Swiss chard, Romaine lettuce, and young dandelion leaves.
Frozen fruits work well in green smoothies, especially in warmer weather, it will make a nice cold refreshing drink. You can also substitute some of the water with ice cubes.

High powered blenders (at least 800-1000 watts) are best when it comes to making green smoothies. But if the blender you have isn’t that powerful, don’t worry. You may just have to chop the ingredients into smaller pieces so you don’t put too much strain on your blender.

It might also work better if you add half the water and the leafy greens to start, blend them as thoroughly as you can, then add the rest of the water and the fruit and blend again.

How much:
Green smoothies are loaded with fiber and therefore are very filling. So drink about one quart (slowly, do not guzzle it down) which equates to about 32 ounces of fluid. Make sure that you are drinking them on an empty stomach to ensure that you absorb the nutrients at a higher capacity. Also, try drinking the smoothies 2 hours before a meal. One of the best times to drink a green smoothie is about 30 minutes to an hour after you wake up.

Do not eat for about an hour after you drink them as this will affect the quality of absorption as well. Rotate & wash your ORGANIC Greens:
Rotate your greens. Do not use the same recipe every time, mix it up! That means you must rotate your greens; for example, instead of spinach use dandelion greens or kale. I have found that rotating the greens you use in your smoothies is crucial to feeling increased energy because you get a variety of different vitamins and minerals when you mix up your greens.

Too much of a certain green can build up 2ndary metabolites in your
body (natural plant chemicals). Use only ORGANIC GREENS. Take care to wash!

Keep it Simple:
When designing your green drinks keep it simple. A simple way to do it is think

1:1. 1 Fruitto one green and never go beyond 2 fruits and 2 greens.


Dr. Jay’s Green Drink
1). 1/2 Organic Banana (offer flavor and thickens it)
2). 1/2 cup of Frozen Organic mixed berries
(raspberries, Blueberries, strawberries etc.)
3). 1 cup of “Unsweetened” Almond Milk (Optional)
4). 1 Heaping Table Spoon of “Raw” Almond Butter
5). 1-2 Cups of RAW Organic Baby Spinach
6). 1-2 Cups of RAW Kale (Green, Purple, Dinosaur)
7). 1/2 – 1 Cup of Parsley (super green)
8). 1 teaspoon of RAW honey
7). 3/4 Cup of crushed ice (Optional)
8). 6-8 ounces of Filtered Water
9). If needed you can add Stevia to sweeten.
10). 1 scoop vegan protein (Optional)
Directions: Blend on high for 3-5 Minutes to a consistency of your liking.
Alternate Greens:
Add Swiss Chard, Alfalfa, Collard Greens, dandelion greens, etc…
Basic Balance (Green Smoothie Revolution)

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