Written by: Dr. Jason Bergerhouse
It is likely that you have acquired some upper back and neck pain during this 7 month – “perpetual – Never Ending – Draconian – Orwellian – Nightmare of a lock-down.” I get it! This lock down has been stressful. We have talk about a mandatory vaccine with “GOD KNOWS WHAT” in it along with nation wide mask mandates. Furthering the stress is the “Karen-VIRUS” located throughout the country – likely in a neighborhood near you with the duty of making sure you are participating in this “unscientific” nightmare. So, needless to say, it is no wonder why your upper back is tight and you’re stressed out.
The future of America looks bleak…
The only thing we can do is take care of ourselves and make sure we are healthy; mind-body-spirit. The NECK WEDGE exercise is my favorite exercise of all to combat upper back, shoulder, and trap tightness. It’s a very simple exercise to do. You just lay flat on your back on a flat-firm surface with your head in extension on the neck wedge for 10-20 minutes daily.

The neck wedge works by supporting the normal cervical curve. This natural C-shaped curve in the neck should be about 34-45 degrees. The purpose of this curve allows your neck to better adapt to the stress of gravity, the weight of your head and general day to day stress. In my book I wrote a great deal on the cervical curve and the neck wedge exercise. You can purchase the book on Amazon here: DESIGNED TO THRIVE.
See the Video Below for a complete “How To” on the Neck Wedge!