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Adversity Is A Friend Disguised as an Enemy

Adversity is a friend disguised as an enemy.

In this video I share my story and how I was able to rebuild myself after attempted suicide – Really it was just a cry for help.

2 major actions steps I had to take:

1. Radically shift my psychology and the way I thought about myself.

2. Stop hanging out with the “losers” I was hanging out with.

One song I used to listen to, as corny as it may seem, that really saved my life was Garth Brook’s – “The River”

Getting my self out of the hole I had dug myself into was the greatest life lesson I ever learned.

Adversity is really the greatest teacher in your life. I hope this video finds you well! Feel free to share it.

And for more videos like this one – Subscribe to my YouTube @ Dr. Jason Bergerhouse.

Much Love

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